Primary science

Shadows appear when an object blocks light.
This is the fifth lesson of a unit (6 lessons).
A fully resourced KS2 lesson to explore with the children how shadows are formed. It gives them chance to share what they already know about shadows, make shadows and compare shadows whilst collecting some basic data.
What’s included:
User Guide
1 editable SMART Notebook
1 worksheet
This lesson finishes with a discussion about similarities and differences of shadows made from different objects.

Why do we need light?
Why do we need light?
This is the second lesson of a unit (6 lessons).
A fully resourced KS2 lesson to explore with the children why we need light, where does light come from and what if there was no light.
It focuses on new scientific vocabulary: emit/emits, absence, light source etc
What’s included:
User Guide
1 editable SMART Notebook
3 differentiated worksheets
Printable pictures for children to sort.
This lesson gives the children chance to think scientifically about what light is. It also teaches that the opposite of light is darkness, which leads nicely into the next lesson which is about reflection (some objects reflect light rather than being a light source).
It gives them opportunity to discuss in pairs, groups or as a class to develop ideas as the lesson progresses.
Timed activities help to engage, excite and challenge the children. The main learning activity is differentiated 3 ways and the pictures can be used or not.

Light is reflected
Light is reflected
This is the third lesson of a unit (6 lessons).
A fully resourced KS2 lesson to explore with the children how we see. It focuses on new scientific vocabukary: emit/emits, light source, reflect, surface and light rays.
What’s included:
User Guide
1 editable SMART Notebook
1 worksheet- differentiated by support and outcome
This lesson gives the children chance to think scientifically about how they see. It also teaches them about how we need light sources to reflect light into our eyes, which leads nicely into the next lesson, which is about the sun and how it can be dangerous to us and our eyes.

The sun
The Sun
The sun can be dangerous.
This is the fourth lesson of a unit (6 lessons).
A fully resourced KS2 lesson to explore with the children how the sun can be dangerous to our eyes and skin and how to protect ourselves from this very important light source.
What’s included:
User Guide
1 editable SMART Notebook
2 worksheet templates (leaflet and poster)
This lesson gives the children chance to think scientifically about our most important light source, how important it is to us but how dangerous it can be.

Year 3 science (light) bundle
These 5 lessons all follow the National curriculum for LKS2 Science topic light. They include a clear focus throughout the lesson, with many opportunities to work independent, in pairs, groups or as a class. They encourage the children to use prior knowledge.
Each lesson comes with a SmartNotebook, planning and atleast one printable activity.
An introduction to light.
Why do we need light?
Light is reflected.
The sun.
The final lesson on shadows leaves the learning open so that as a class (or the teacher) can lead a suitable investigation into shadows to support the National Curriculum statements for inquiry skills.

An Introduction to Light
An Introduction to Light.
This is the first lesson of a unit (6 lessons).
A fully resourced lesson introducing KS2 children to the science topic of Light.
What’s included:
User Guide
1 editable SMART Notebook
1 worksheet
Printable True or False cards
This lesson allows the children time to think about light. They can share what they already know about light, talk to others and share knowledge. The children have a worksheet to note down knowledge, which they can use at the end of the unit to review/add learning.
The true or false game can then be played to allow extra questioning.

Bulb or seed
A simple sheet for children to sort images of bulbs and seeds. A great activity for Year 2 science!
NC- Identify bulbs and seeds